More than once on this blog I have quoted an amazing few words from the American mystic Howard Thurman, who had this to say in 1939: Acts of worship must…
Author: Carl McColman
If You Worship an Angry God, You’ll Be an Angry Person
A reader named Paul wrote to me with the following question: Why is there more often than not such an intolerance, condemnation and even hatred between the different faiths and…
From “Orthodox” to “Open” — Some Personal Thoughts on How Faith Can Evolve Over Time
A reader of this blog sent me the following question: Hi Carl, I’ve been reading quite a bit of your blog. It seems like back around 2016-2017, you were making…
Spiritual Practices, Traumatic Shame, and Holy Freedom
Recently I read Laura E. Anderson’s When Religion Hurts You: Healing from Religious Trauma and the Impact of High-Control Religion. Anderson, a psychotherapist specializing in trauma and herself a survivor of…
Coming in 2025! Official Announcement of My Forthcoming Book Hi friends, I’m so pleased to announce the title — and cover art — of my forthcoming book! It will be published in 2025 by Broadleaf Books and represents…
The God who is Love and the Death of Christ: A Contemplative Reflection
Allen, who is a reader of this blog, recently sent me a thoughtful email; here are some excerpts from what he wrote: I have a profound connection with the teachings…
Julian of Norwich and the Non-binary God
In the middle ages — 1373, to be exact — an obscure English woman got sick, and while she was ill, experienced visions of God, Christ, Mary, and heaven. We know…
The Difference Between Apophatic and Kataphatic Spirituality
Many years ago, my very first spiritual director recommended a book to me; she suggested that I read Gerald May’s 1982 classic: Will and Spirit: A Contemplative Psychology. I did,…
Encountering Silence: An Interview with Writer and Teacher Marilyn McEntyre
What is the relationship between language and silence? Between words and truth-telling? How can we foster a more truly contemplative relationship with the way we speak to one another? These…
From Mythology to Mysticism: A New Way to Think About Lectio Divina
If you have been reading this blog (or participating in Christian contemplative practices) for a while, no doubt you are familiar with Lectio Divina. If not, you can see a…
The Fruit of the Spirit… and the Fraught Words that Divide Us
By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things… if we live by the Spirit,…
Upcoming Events: In New York, Maryland, and Online
Friends, just want to make sure everyone is aware of a few upcoming events I have on the calendar. Join me for a retreat and a book signing in New…