Books to Read to Explore the Wisdom of the Great Contemplatives
In my books The Big Book of Christian Mysticism and Christian Mystics: 108 Seers, Saints and Sages, I suggest a number of books that anyone interested in learning more about Christian mysticism might enjoy.

On this page I’ve gathered together those books (and a few audio recordings). For good measure, I’ve thrown in a few other important titles, and will continue to add useful books to this page as they come to my attention.
I believe this list represents a comprehensive library of Christian mysticism for spiritual practitioners. It is designed for something more than merely the academic study of Christian mysticism — it is meant for those who, by the grace of God, actually wish to enter the mysteries.
Many of these books are expensive and unfortunately some are out of print, so I certainly encourage you to make use of your local library. Also, if you wish to purchase any of these books, please consider supporting your local independent bookstore. If you choose to buy your books online, each title on this page is linked to the book’s page on Amazon (if you click and buy, I get a small commission at no extra charge to you, so thank you for doing that).
This list represents a lifetime of spiritual reading. Happy exploring.
The One Essential Mystical Text
- The Holy Bible (one edition I like to recommend: The Saints’ Devotional Bible). When I’m asked “What is the one book you recommend for those who wish to learn Christian mysticism?” I always say the Bible. That surprises a lot of people, but it is the plain fact that the mystics have, for two thousand years now, immersed themselves in scripture, prayed scripture, and patterned their lives after the wisdom found herein. Granted, many Christians read the Bible as if it were a legal document or a textbook of philosophy, which is why we can’t wrap our heads around the idea that it is actually a mystical masterpiece without parallel. Here’s a suggestion: when you read the Bible, read for the purpose of prayer (if you must engage in Bible study, then at least set aside some time strictly for Bible prayer), and think of it not as a history book or a legal document, but as a love letter between God and humanity. That will help you to be open to the life-transfiguring mystical wisdom found throughout this amazing collection of sacred writings.
An Important Book to Help You Read the Bible — and the Writings of the Mystics
- Sacred Reading: The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina by Michael Casey provides the key to reading the Bible — and, for that matter, the writings of the mystics — in a truly prayerful and contemplative way. There are a number of books that explain the practice of lectio divina, but I’ve yet to find one that equals this luminous introduction.

My Books About Christian Mysticism and Contemplative Spirituality
What is Christian mysticism? Who are the great mystics? What do they have to teach us? My books seek to answer these questions.
- The Big Book of Christian Mysticism: The Essential Guide to Contemplative Spirituality seeks to answer the questions “What is Christian mysticism?” and “How can I incorporate the wisdom of the mystics into my own spiritual life?” Karl Rahner said, “The Christian of the future will be a mystic or will not exist” — this book is my response to his challenge.
- Christian Mystics: 108 Seers, Saints and Sages profiles the lives and core teachings of over one hundred of the greatest mystics and contemplatives of the Christian tradition. Arranged thematically (rather than chronologically or alphabetically), this book is meant to help today’s Christians find the mystics whose wisdom can be most inspirational for our own unique spiritual journeys.
- The Little Book of Christian Mysticism arranges a series of brief quotations from the great mystics and contemplatives into a format ideal for personal meditative use. This book works as a daily devotional guide or as a more general induction into the unique wisdom and spiritual insight that the mystics have to share with us.
In addition to my “Christian Mysticism Trilogy,” I’ve also written the following books that look at how to begin a contemplative prayer practice, the spirituality of Cistercian (including Trappist) monasteries, and the spiritual wisdom of the Celtic saints.
- Answering the Contemplative Call: First Steps on the Mystical Path
- Befriending Silence: Discovering the Gifts of Cistercian Spirituality
- An Invitation to Celtic Wisdom
A Contemplative Reading List (from The Big Book of Christian Mysticism)
- The Holy Bible
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis
- The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism edited by Bernard McGinn
- An Anthology of Christian Mysticism edited by Harvey D. Egan
- Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening by Cynthia Bourgeault
- Everything Belongs: The Gift of Contemplative Prayer by Richard Rohr
- Revelation of Love by Julian of Norwich
- The Inner Experience: Notes on Contemplation by Thomas Merton
- Practical Mysticism by Evelyn Underhill
- The Cloud of Unknowing and the Book of Privy Counsel by Anonymous
- Thoughts Matter: The Practice of the Spiritual Life by Mary Margaret Funk
- The Way of a Pilgrim and the Pilgrim Continues His Way by Anonymous
- The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence
- The Spiritual Espousals and Other Works by John Ruusbroec
- Collected Works by Teresa of Ávila
- Volume One (includes The Life of Teresa of Jesus)
- Volume Two (includes The Way of Perfection and Interior Castle)
- The Sayings of the Desert Fathers: Sayings of the Early Christian Monks edited by Benedicta Ward
- Selected Writings by Meister Eckhart
- Complete Works by Pseudo-Dionysius
- The Story of a Soul by Thérèse of Lisieux
- The Collected Works of John of the Cross (includes Ascent of Mount Carmel, Dark Night of the Soul, Spiritual Canticle and Living Flame of Love)
- Beginning to Pray by Anthony Bloom
- Selected Writings by Hildegard of Bingen
- Abandonment to Divine Providence by Jean-Pierre de Caussade
- The Philokalia compiled by Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain and Makarios of Corinth
- Quaker Spirituality edited by Douglas V. Steere
- Fully Human, Fully Divine by Michael Casey
- The Stairway of Perfection by Walter Hilton
- Spiritual Exercises and Other Works by Ignatius of Loyola
- Awaiting God by Simone Weil
- The Praktikos & Chapters on Prayer by Evagrius Ponticus
- Will and Spirit: A Contemplative Psychology by Gerald G. May
- Guidelines for Mystical Prayer by Ruth Burrows
- Into the Silent Land: A Guide to the Christian Practice of Contemplation by Martin Laird
Writings of 108 Seers, Saints and Sages (recommended readings from Christian Mystics)
- Abhishiktananda, Prayer
- Adrienne von Speyr, The Boundless God
- Aelred of Rievaulx, Spiritual Friendship
- Albertus Magnus (and Thomas Aquinas), Albert and Thomas: Selected Writings
- Angela of Foligno, Complete Works
- Angelus Silesius, The Cherubinic Wanderer
- Anthony De Mello, Selected Writings
- Anonymous, The Cloud of Unknowing and Other Works
- Anonymous, The Way of a Pilgrim and The Pilgrim Continues His Way
- Anonymous (edited by Martin Luther), Theologia Germanica
- Augustine of Hippo, The Confessions of Saint Augustine
- Beatrice of Nazareth, The Life of Beatrice of Nazareth (Includes The Seven Manners of Holy Love)
- Bede Griffiths, The One Light
- Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of St. Benedict
- Bernard J. F. Lonergan, Method in Theology
- Bernard of Clairvaux, Selected Works
- Birgitta of Sweden, Life and Selected Revelations
- Blaise Pascal, Pensées and Other Writings
- Bonaventure, The Soul’s Journey Into God; The Tree of Life; Etc.
- Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, The Practice of the Presence of God
- Bruno Barnhart. Second Simplicity: The Inner Shape of Christianity
- C. S. Lewis, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
- Caryll Houselander, The Reed of God
- Catherine of Genoa, Purgation and Purgatory; the Spiritual Dialogue
- Catherine of Siena, The Dialogue
- Clement of Alexandria, Exhortation to the Greeks and Other Works
- Coventry Patmore, The Rod, The Root and the Flower
- Dag Hammarskjöld, Markings
- Edith Stein, The Science of the Cross
- Elisabeth of Schönau, The Complete Works
- Elizabeth of the Trinity, Always Believe in Love
- Ephrem the Syrian, Ephrem the Syrian: Hymns
- Evagrius Ponticus, The Praktikos & Chapters on Prayer
- Evelyn Underhill, Practical Mysticism
- Francis de Sales, On the Love of God
- Francis of Assisi, Francis of Assisi in His Own Words: The Essential Writings
- Francisco de Osuna, The Third Spiritual Alphabet
- François Fénelon, Selected Writings
- Friedrich von Hügel, Spiritual Counsel and Letters of Baron Friedrich von Hügel
- Gemma Galgami, The Saint Gemma Galgani Collection
- George Fox, The Journal of George Fox
- George Herbert, The Country Parson; the Temple
- George MacDonald, Unspoken Sermons, Series I, II, and III
- Gerald G. May, Will and Spirit: A Contemplative Psychology
- Gertrude of Helfta, The Herald of Divine Love
- Gregory of Narek, The Festal Works of St. Gregory of Narek
- Gregory of Nyssa, From Glory to Glory
- Gregory Palamas, The Triads
- Hadewijch, The Complete Works
- Henry Suso, The Exemplar, with Two German Sermons
- Hildegard of Bingen, Selected Writings
- Howard Thurman, A Strange Freedom
- Ignatius of Loyola, The Spiritual Exercises and Selected Works
- Isaac the Syrian, The Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian
- Jacopone da Todi, The Lauds
- Jakob Boehme, Genius of the Transcendent
- Jean-Pierre de Caussade, Abandonment to Divine Providence
- Jeanne Guyon, Selected Writings
- Johannes Tauler, Sermons
- John Cassian, The Conferences
- John Climacus, The Ladder of Divine Ascent
- John Donne, Selections from Divine Poems, Sermons, Devotions and Prayers
- John O’Donohue, Anam Ċara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom
- John of the Cross, The Collected Works of Saint John of the Cross
- John Ruusbroec, The Spiritual Espousals and Other Works
- John Scotus Eriugena, The Voice of the Eagle: The Heart of Celtic Christianity—John Scotus Eriugena’s Homily on the Prologue to the Gospel of St. John
- John the Evangelist, The Writings of St. John found in The New Testament
- John Wesley and Charles Wesley, Selected Prayers, Hymns, Journal Notes, Sermons, Letters and Treatises
- Julian of Norwich, The Showings of Julian of Norwich
- Karl Rahner, The Mystical Way in Everyday Life
- Kenneth Leech, Prayer and Prophecy: The Essential Kenneth Leech
- Margery Kempe, The Book of Margery Kempe
- Marguerite Porete, The Mirror of Simple Souls
- Maria Faustina Kowalska, Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul
- Maria Maddalena de’ Pazzi, Selected Revelations
- Marie of the Incarnation, Selected Writings
- Maximus the Confessor, Selected Writings
- Mechtilde of Hackeborn, Select Revelations of S. Mechtild, Virgin, Taken from the Five Books of Her Spiritual Grace
- Mechthild of Magdeburg, The Flowing Light of the Godhead
- Meister Eckhart, Selected Writings
- Nicholas of Cusa, Selected Spiritual Writings
- Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain, A Handbook of Spiritual Counsel
- Origen of Alexandria, Spirit and Fire: A Thematic Anthology of His Writings.
- Paul of Tarsus, The Writings of St. Paul
- Phoebe Palmer, Selected Writings
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Hymn of the Universe
- Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, The Divine Names and The Mystical Theology
- Raimon Panikkar, Christophany: The Fullness of Man
- Ramón Llull, Doctor Illuminatus
- Richard of St. Victor, The Book of the Patriarchs; The Mystical Ark; Book Three of the Trinity
- Richard Rohr, The Naked Now
- Rufus M. Jones, Rufus Jones: Essential Writings
- Sarah Grant, Toward an Alternative Theology: Confessions of a Nondualist Christian
- Simone Weil, Waiting for God
- Symeon the New Theologian, The Discourses
- Teresa of Ávila, The Book of My Life
- Teresa of Calcutta, Come Be My Light—The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta
- Thérèse of Lisieux, Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux
- Thomas Aquinas (and Albertus Magnus), Albert and Thomas: Selected Writings
- Thomas Keating, Invitation to Love
- Thomas Kelly, A Testament of Devotion
- Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation
- Thomas Traherne, Waking Up in Heaven
- Walter Hilton, The Scale of Perfection
- Wayne Teasdale, The Mystic Heart
- William Law, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life and The Spirit of Love
- William of St. Thierry, On Contemplating God, Prayer, Meditations
- Willigis Jäger, The Way to Contemplation: Encountering God Today
Audio Recordings of Interest
- Anam Ċara: Wisdom from the Celtic World by John O’Donohue
- A Feather on the Breath of God: Sequences and Hymns by Hildegard of Bingen
- The Living Wisdom of Howard Thurman: A Visionary for Our Time by Howard Thurman
- The Contemplative Journey, Volume One and Volume Two by Thomas Keating
- The Art of Letting Go by Richard Rohr
- Encountering the Wisdom Jesus by Cynthia Bourgeault
Some Other Useful Books on Christian Mysticism and Contemplative Spirituality
Note: many of the following books are academic, rather than devotional, in tone.
- Beloved Dust: Tides of the Spirit in the Christian Life by Robert Davis Hughes III
- The Cambridge Companion to Christian Mysticism edited by Amy Hollywood and Patricia Z. Beckman
- The Christian Mystery by Louis Bouyer
- Christian Mysticism: An Introduction to Contemporary Theoretical Approaches by Louise Nelstrop
- The Darkness of God by Denys Turner
- An Introduction to Christian Mysticism by Thomas Merton
- The Mystical Element of Religion by Friedrich von Hügel
- Mystical Theology: The Integrity of Spirituality and Theology by Mark A. McIntosh
- Mystical Theology: The Science of Love by William Johnston
- Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness by Evelyn Underhill
- The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition by Andrew Louth
- The Roots of Christian Mysticism by Olivier Clément
- The Silent Cry: Mysticism and Resistance by Dorothee Soelle
- The Study of Spirituality edited by Cheslyn Jones, Geoffrey Wainwright, and Edward Yarnold
- Understanding Mysticism edited by Richard Woods, OP
- The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Christian Mysticism edited by Julia A. Lamm
Special Topics: the History of Christian Mysticism
- Christian Mystics: Their Lives and Legacies Throughout the Ages by Ursula King
- A History of Christian Spirituality by Louis Bouyer, Jean Leclercq and François Vandenbroucke
- A History of Christian Spirituality by Urban T. Holmes
- Mystics of the Church by Evelyn Underhill
- The Presence of God by Bernard McGinn
- Volume 1: The Foundations of Mysticism: Origins to the Fifth Century
- Volume 2: The Growth of Mysticism: Gregory the Great Through the 12th Century
- Volume 3: The Flowering of Mysticism: Men and Women in the New Mysticism: 1200-1350
- Volume 4: The Harvest of Mysticism in Medieval Germany
- Volume 5: The Varieties of Vernacular Mysticism: 1350–1550
- Soundings in the Christian Mystical Tradition by Harvey D. Egan
- The Story of Mysticism by Hilda Graef
- Two Worlds Are Ours: An Introduction to Christian Mysticism by John MacQuarrie
Special Topics: the English Mystics
- Aelred of Rievaulx, The Mirror of Charity
- Aelred of Rievaulx, Spiritual Friendship
- Richard Rolle, The English Works
- Richard Rolle, The Fire of Love and the Mending of Life
- Anonymous, The Cloud of Unknowing and The Book of Privy Counseling
- Walter Hilton, The Scale of Perfection
- Julian of Norwich, Revelation of Love
- Margery Kempe, The Book of Margery Kempe
- John Donne, Selections from Divine Poems, Sermons, etc.
- George Herbert, The Complete English Works
- George Herbert, The Country Parson; the Temple
- Augustine Baker, Holy Wisdom, or, Directions for the Prayer of Contemplation
- William Law, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life and The Spirit of Love
- Thomas Traherne, Centuries
- George Fox, The Journal of George Fox
- Charles Taliaferro and Alison J. Teply, eds., Cambridge Platonist Spirituality
- Coventry Patmore, The Rod, The Root and the Flower
Special Topics: the Spanish Mystics
- Francisco de Osuna, The Third Spiritual Alphabet
- Ignatius of Loyola, The Spiritual Exercises
- Ignatius of Loyola, The Autobiography with Related Documents
- John of the Cross, Ascent of Mount Carmel
- John of the Cross, The Dark Night of the Soul
- John of the Cross, Living Flame of Love
- John of the Cross, Spiritual Canticle
- Luis de Leon, The Names of Christ
- Teresa of Avila, Interior Castle
- Teresa of Avila, The Way of Perfection
- Teresa of Avila, The Life of Teresa of Jesus
Special Topics: the German/Rhineland Mystics
- Hildegard of Bingen, Selected Writings
- Hildegard of Bingen, Secrets of God
- Hildegard of Bingen, A Spiritual Reader
- Elisabeth of Schönau, The Complete Works
- Mechthild of Magdeburg, Flowing Light of the Godhead
- Meister Eckhart, Selected Writings
- Meister Eckhart, Meister Eckhart, from Whom God Hid Nothing: Sermons, Writings & Sayings
- Margaret Ebner, Major Works
- Johannes Tauler, Sermons
- Henry Suso, The Exemplar, with Two German Sermons
- Anonymous, Theologia Germanica
- Rulman Merswin, Mystical Writings
- Nicolas of Cusa, Selected Spiritual Writings
Special Topics: Jesuit Mystics and Contemplatives
- Ignatius of Loyola, The Autobiography with Related Documents
- Jean-Pierre de Caussade, Sacrament of the Present Moment
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Divine Milieu
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Hymn of the Universe
- Karl Rahner, Encounters with Silence
- Karl Rahner, Spiritual Writings
- Karl Rahner, The Mystical Way in Everyday Life
- William A. Barry, Finding God in All Things
- William A. Barry, Paying Attention to God
- William A. Barry, The Practice of Spiritual Direction
- Anthony De Mello, Awareness
- Anthony De Mello, Sadhana, A Way to God
- Anthony De Mello, The Song of the Bird
- Anthony De Mello, The Heart of the Enlightened
- Anthony De Mello, The Way to Love
- Hugo Enomiya-Lassalle, Living in the New Consciousness
- Thomas H. Green, Opening to God
- Thomas H. Green, When the Well Runs Dry
- Thomas H. Green, Drinking from a Dry Well
- Thomas H. Green, Weeds Among the Wheat
- George A. Maloney, Alone with the Alone
- George A. Maloney, Discovering the Hidden Reality
- George A. Maloney, Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
- George A. Maloney, Indwelling Presence
- George A. Maloney, Inward Stillness
- George A. Maloney, Prayer of the Heart
- George A. Maloney, The Undreamed Has Happened: God Lives Within Us
- William Johnston, Arise, My Love: Mysticism for a New Era
- William Johnston, Being in Love: The Practice of Christian Prayer
- William Johnston, Christian Zen
- William Johnston, The Inner Eye of Love
- William Johnston, Mystical Journey: An Autobiography
- William Johnston, Mystical Theology: The Science of Love
- William Johnston, Silent Music
- William Johnston, The Still Point
- William Johnston, The Wounded Stag
- Mark E. Thibodeaux, Armchair Mystic: Easing Into Contemplative Prayer
Special Topics: Eastern Orthodox Mystics
- Gregory Palamas, The Triads
- Nil Sorsky, The Complete Writings
- Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain, A Handbook of Spiritual Counsel
- Anonymous, The Pilgrim’s Tale (The Way of a Pilgrim)
- Matthew the Poor, The Communion of Love
- Matthew the Poor, Orthodox Prayer Life: The Interior Way
- Igumen Chariton of Valamo, compiler, The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology
- Dumitru Staniloae, Orthodox Spirituality: A Practical Guide for the Faithful and a Definitive Manual for the Scholar
Special Topics: Protestant Mystics
- Anne Fremantle, ed., The Protestant Mystics
- Johnn Arndt, True Christianity
- Jacob Boehme, The Way to Christ
- George Fox, The Journal of George Fox
- Norman P. Grubb, Yes I Am
- Jane Lead, A Fountain of Gardens
- Rufus Jones, Essential Writings
- Dag Hammarskjöld, Markings
- Phoebe Palmer, Selected Writings
Special Topics: Julian of Norwich
- Julian of Norwich, Revelation of Love, tr. John Skinner
- Julian of Norwich, The Revelation of Divine Love in Sixteen Showings, tr. M.L. del Mastro
- Julian of Norwich, Showing of Love, tr. Julia Bolton Holloway
- Julian of Norwich, A Lesson of Love: The Revelations of Julian of Norwich, tr. Fr. John-Julian OJN
- Julian of Norwich, Showings, tr. Edmund Colledge OSA and James Walsh SJ
- Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love, tr. Clifton Wolters
- Julian of Norwich, A Book of Showings to the Anchoress Julian of Norwich, ed. Edmund Colledge OSA and James Walsh SJ
- Julian of Norwich, A Revelation of Love, ed. Marion Glasscoe
- Julian of Norwich, Showing of Love: Extant Texts and Translation, ed. Sr. Anna Maria Reynolds CP and Julia Bolton Holloway
- Julian of Norwich, The Showings of Julian of Norwich, ed. Denise Baker
- The Frieds of Julian of Norwich, Stations of the Cross: A Devotion Using The Revelations of Divine Love of Julian of Norwich
- Denise Nowakowski Baker, Julian of Norwich’s Showings: From Vision to Book
- Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt, Julian of Norwich and the Mystical Body Politic of Christ
- Ritamary Bradley, Julian’s Way: A Practical Commentary on Julian of Norwich
- Kerrie Hide, Gifted Origins to Graced Fulfillment: The Soteriology of Julian of Norwich
- C. Hugh Hildesley, Journeying with Julian
- Grace Jantzen, Julian of Norwich: Mystic and Theologian
- Kenneth Leech, Julian Reconsidered
- Robert Llewelyn, All Shall Be Well: The Spirituality of Julian of Norwich for Today
- Robert Llewelyn, ed., Julian: Woman of Our Day
- Kevin J. Magill, Julian of Norwich: Mystic or Visionary?
- Jane Maynard, Transfiguring Loss: Julian of Norwich as a Guide for Survivors of Traumatic Grief
- Paul Molinari, Julian of Norwich: The Teaching of a 14th Century English Mystic
- Sandra J. McEntire, ed., Julian of Norwich: A Book of Essays
- Joan M. Nuth, Wisdom’s Daughter: The Theology of Julian of Norwich
- Margaret Ann Palliser, Christ Our Mother of Mercy: Divine Mercy and Compassion in the Theology of the Shewings of Julian of Norwich
- Brant Pelphrey, Julian of Norwich: Christ Our Mother
- Brant Pelphrey, Love was His Meaning: The Theology and Mysticism of Julian of Norwich
- Ambrose Tinsley, OSB, A Neighbour Kind and Known: The Spirituality of Julian of Norwich
- Sheila Upjohn, In Search of Julian of Norwich
- Sheila Upjohn, Why Julian Now? A Voyage of Discovery
Special Topics: Evelyn Underhill
- Evelyn Underhill, Mysticism: The Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness
- Evelyn Underhill, The Mystic Way
- Evelyn Underhill, Practical Mysticism: A Little Book for Normal People and Abba: Meditations Based on the Lord’s Prayer
- Evelyn Underhill, The Essentials of Mysticism
- Evelyn Underhill, Mystics of the Church
- Evelyn Underhill, The Golden Sequence: A Fourfold Study of the Spiritual Life
- Evelyn Underhill, Worship
- Evelyn Underhill, The Spiritual Life
- Evelyn Underhill, The Letters of Evelyn Underhill
- Evelyn Underhill, The Mount of Purification
- Evelyn Underhill, An Anthology of the Love of God
- Evelyn Underhill, Ruysbroeck
- Evelyn Underhill, The Evelyn Underhill Reader
- Christopher Armstrong, Evelyn Underhill: An Introduction to her Life and Writings
- Margaret Cropper, The Life of Evelyn Underhill
- Dana Greene, Evelyn Underhill: Artist of the Infinite Life
Special Topics: Thomas Merton
- Thomas Merton, The Seven Storey Mountain
- Thomas Merton, What is Contemplation?
- Thomas Merton, The Sign of Jonas
- Thomas Merton, The Last of the Fathers: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and the Encyclical Letter Doctor Mellifluus
- Thomas Merton, Thoughts in Solitude
- Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation
- Thomas Merton, Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander
- Thomas Merton, Mystics and Zen Masters
- Thomas Merton, Contemplative Prayer
- Thomas Merton, Contemplation in a World of Action
- Thomas Merton, Collected Poems
- Thomas Merton, When the Trees Say Nothing: Writings on Nature
- Thomas Merton, I Have Seen What I Was Looking For: Selected Spiritual Writings
- Thomas Merton, Cold War Letters
- Thomas Merton, A Book of Hours
- Raymond Bailey, Thomas Merton on Mysticism
- Lawrence S. Cunningham, Thomas Merton and the Monastic Vision
- Monica Furlong, Merton: A Biography
- Patrick Hart, ed., Thomas Merton, Monk: A Monastic Tribute
- John J. Higgins, Thomas Merton on Prayer
- Robert Inchausti, ed., Echoing Silence: Thomas Merton on the Vocation of Writing
- Victor A. Kramer, Thomas Merton, Monk and Artist
- M. Basil Pennington, Thomas Merton My Brother
- William H. Shannon, Christine M. Bochen and Patrick F. O’Connell, eds., The Thomas Merton Encyclopedia
- Rob Baker and Gray Henry, eds., Merton and Sufism: The Untold Story
- Beatrice Bruteau, ed., Merton and Judaism: Holiness in Words
- Gray Henry and Jonathan Montaldo, eds., Merton and Hesychasm: The Prayer of the Heart and the Eastern Church
- Bonnie Bowman Thurston, ed., Merton and Buddhism: Realizing the Self
Special Topics: The Song of Songs
- Ariel Bloch and Chana Bloch, The Song of Songs: A New Translation With an Introduction and Commentary
- Marvin H. Pope, Song of Songs (Anchor Bible)
- Origen, The Song of Songs, Commentary and Homilies
- Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermons on the Song of Songs (Four Volume Set)
- Gregory of Nyssa, Homilies on the Song of Songs
- Teresa of Avila, Collected Works, Volume Two (includes “Meditations on the Song of Songs”)
- Denys Turner, Eros and Allegory: Medieval Exegesis of the Song of Songs
- Michael Casey, Athirst for God: Spiritual Desire in Bernard of Clairvaux’s Sermons on the Song of Songs
- Richard A Norris, Jr., The Song of Songs: Interpreted by Early Christian and Medieval Commentators
- Athalya Brenner and Carole R. Fontaine, editors, The Song of Songs (A Feminist Companion to the Bible)
- Marcia Falk, Love Lyrics from the Bible: The Song of Songs
- Watchman Nee, The Song of Songs
- Carey Ellen Walsh, Exquisite Desire: Religion, the Erotic, and the Song of Songs
- Renita J. Weems, What Matters Most : Ten Lessons in Living Passionately from the Song of Solomon
- Blaise Arminjon, S.J., The Cantata of Love: A Verse by Verse Reading of the Song of Songs
Special Topics: Deification
- A.M. Allchin, Participation in God: A Forgotten Strand in Anglican Tradition
- Michael J. Christiansen and Jeffrey Wittung, eds., Partakers of the Divine Nature: The History and Development of Deification in the Christian Traditions
- Stephen Finlan and Vladimir Kharlamov, eds., Theosis: Deification in Christian Theology
- Jules Gross, The Divinization of the Christian According to the Greek Fathers
- Veli-Mati Kärkkäinen, One With God: Salvation as Deification and Justification
- George A. Maloney, S.J., The Undreamed Has Happened: God Lives Within Us
- Georgios I. Mantzaridis, The Deification of Man: St. Gregory Palamas and the Orthodox Tradition
- Panayiotis Nellas, Deification in Christ: The Nature of the Human Person
- Aristotle Papanikolaou, Being With God: Trinity, Apophaticism, and Divine-Human Communion
- Norman Russell, The Doctrine of Deification in the Greek Patristic Tradition
- Archimandrite Christoforos Stavropoulos, Partakers of the Divine Nature
Special Topics: Benedictine and Cistercian Spirituality
- Aelred of Rievaulx, Spiritual Friendship
- Bernard of Clairvaux, Selected Works
- Frank Bianco, Voices of Silence: Lives of the Trappists Today
- Dom Eugene Boylan, This Tremendous Lover
- Michael Casey, Strangers to the City: Reflections on the Beliefs and Values of the Rule of St. Benedict
- Michael Casey, An Unexciting Life: Reflections on Benedictine Spirituality
- Jean-Baptiste Chautard, The Soul of the Apostolate (translated by Thomas Merton)
- Charles Cummings, OCSO, Monastic Practices
- Adalbert de Vogüé, Reading Saint Benedict: Reflections on the Rule
- Eric Dean, Saint Benedict for the Laity
- Timothy Fry, ed., The Rule of St. Benedict
- Dom Sighard Kleiner, O.Cist., In the Unity of the Holy Spirit: Spiritual Talks on the Rule of St. Benedict
- André Louf, The Cistercian Way
- Pauline Matarasso, tr. and ed., The Cistercian World: Monastic Writings of the Twelfth Century
- M. Raymond, OCSO, Spiritual Secrets of a Trappist Monk: The Truth of Who You Are and What God Calls You to Be
- David Parry: Households of God: The Rule of St. Benedict with Explanations for Monks and Lay-people Today
- Augustine Roberts, OCSO, Centered on Christ: A Guide to Monastic Profession
- Edith Scholl, ed., In the School of Love: An Anthology of Early Cistercian Texts
- Robert Thomas, OCSO, Passing From Self to God: A Cistercian Retreat
- William of St. Thierry, The Way to Divine Union
Special Topics: Carthusian Spirituality
- A Carthusian, O Bonitas!
- A Carthusian, The Call of Silent Love
- A Carthusian, The Freedom of Obedience: Carthusian Novice Conferences
- A Carthusian: From Advent to Pentecost: Carthusian Novice Conferences
- A Carthusian, Interior Prayer
- A Carthusian, Poor, Therefore Rich: Carthusian Novice Conferences
- A Carthusian, The Prayer of Love and Silence
- A Carthusian, They Speak by Silences
- A Carthusian, The Way of Silent Love
- A Carthusian, The Wound of Love
- Denis the Carthusian, The Spiritual Writings
- Benedict Kossman, Sounds of Silence
- Nancy Klein Maguire, An Infinity of Little Hours: Five Young Men and Their Trial of Faith in the Western World’s Most Austere Monastic Order
- Dennis D. Martin, tr., Carthusian Spirituality: The Writings of Hugh of Balma and Guigo De Ponte
- John Skinner, Hear Our Silence
Special Topics: Centering Prayer and Christian Meditation
- Carl J. Arico, A Taste of Silence: A Guide to the Fundamentals of Centering Prayer
- Cynthia Bourgeault, Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening
- Thomas Keating, Foundations for Centering Prayer and the Christian Contemplative Life
- Robert Llewellyn, ed., Circles of Silence: Explorations in Prayer with Julian Meetings
- M. Basil Pennington, Centering Prayer: Renewing an Ancient Christian Prayer Form
- Joseph Simler, Catechism of Mental Prayer
- Jens Soering, The Way of the Prisoner: Breaking the Chains of Self Through Centering Prayer and Centering Practice
Special Topics: Eucharistic Devotion and Popular Piety
- Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR and James Monti, In the Presence of Our Lord
- Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR, Praying in the Presence of Our Lord
- Brian McNeil, CRV, The Master is Here
- James T. O’Connor, The Hidden Manna
- Frederick A. Reuter, KCBS, Moments Divine Before the Blessed Sacrament
- Herbert F. Smith, SJ, Communing with Jesus’ Real Presence
Special Topics: The Anamchara (Soul Friend) and Spiritual Direction
- William A. Barry and William J. Connolly, The Practice of Spiritual Direction
- Tilden Edwards, Spiritual Friend: Reclaiming the Gift of Spiritual Direction
- Kathleen Fischer, Women at the Well: Feminist Perspectives on Spiritual Direction
- Thomas H. Green, SJ, The Friend of the Bridegroom: Spiritual Direction and the Encounter with Christ
- Margaret Guenther, Holy Listening: The Art of Spiritual Direction
- Kenneth Leech, Soul Friend: Spiritual Direction in the Modern World
- Gerald G. May, Will and Spirit: A Contemplative Psychology
Special Topics: The New Monasticism
- Scott A. Bessenecker, The New Friars: The Emerging Movement Serving the World’s Poor
- Andy Freeman and Pete Greig, Punk Monk: New Monasticism and the Ancient Art of Breathing
- The Rutba House, eds., School(s) for Conversion: 12 Marks of a New Monasticism
- Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, The Wisdom of Stability: Rooting Faith in a Mobile Culture